Belangen Associatie Therapeut en Consument

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YIN Association YIN Advanced: Medicine - Module 2 Module HBO 230 50 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Advanced: Medicine - Module 3 Module HBO 230 50 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Advanced: Medicine - Module 4 Module HBO 230 50 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN advanced: module 6 Yin Supreme Module HBO 270 175 445 15,9 KTNO
YIN Association YIN advanced: module 8 Yin en de 5 elementen Module HBO 16 80 96 3,4 KTNO
YIN Association YIN advanced: module 9 Chakra Intensives Module HBO 270 175 445 15,9 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Advanced: YIN & Neurotransmitters Module HBO 200 80 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Advanced: YINtensive Longen Vakopleiding HBO 90 50 140 5,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: Chakra Psychologie Module HBO 90 190 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: Over leven in het duister Module HBO 95 45 140 5,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: Overleven in het licht Module HBO 95 45 140 5,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: YIN 3.3 (Lever & Galblaas) Module HBO 160 120 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: YIN 3.3 (Schildklier) Vakopleiding HBO 160 120 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: YIN Assist Module HBO 200 80 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: YIN Basic - Module 1 Module HBO 200 80 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN Basics: YIN Basic - Module 2 Module HBO 200 80 280 10,0 KTNO
YIN Association YIN therapeut Vakopleiding HBO 820 1650 2470 88,2 KTNO
Yn Balâns Akademy Anatomie 3D(Introductie ANATOMY in CLAY®) Bijscholing HBO 14 14 28 1,0 KTNO
Yn Balâns Akademy Integrating the Fascia of the Bones Nascholing HBO 27 20 57 2,0 KTNO
Yn Balâns Akademy ScarWork (Littekentherapie) Bijscholing HBO 28 20 48 1,7 KTNO